Arts Participation
Vanessa Earl
The freedom to create using different forms of story-telling
Vanessa’s practice is people led, socially engaged, who’s purpose it is to create change. Change in people, and therefore community and society. Her work incubates tiny shifts in awareness of self, others, and our relationships. This purpose plays out through her behaviour coaching and arts participation projects.
Manifesto – six week interface, working with Deaf teenagers to ‘give voice’ to, to ‘be heard’
by their college facility. She facilitated an Invisible Theatre experience where students wrote
their own manifesto to meet their needs, presenting it to their Principal during a sit-in. She
won the Bradbury Prize for Drama for this work.
London Bubble – co-facilitator of a Forum Theatre of the Deaf.
SALT is a multidisciplinary outdoor arts-in-health project involving Galway-based sea swimmers and dippers (approximately 25) and five professional performers.
In My Shoes
A community arts-in-health project exploring the experience of becoming and being a mother.